Phrasal verbs derivados do verbo “to cut”
Cortar em inglês: To cut
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“To cut” significa cortar em inglês , reduzir, fatiar, etc. Porém, existe uma lista enorme de frases e phrasal verbs que utilizam esse verbo. Relacionamos abaixo um lista das expressões mais importantes derivada da palavra “cut“:
Lista de expressões, frases e phrasal verbs derivados de “to cut”
“To be a cut above“.
“To cut across“.
“To cut through“.
“To take short cut“.
“To cut and run“.
“To cut back“.
“To cut both ways“.
“To cut class“.
“To cut corners“.
“To cut down“.
“To cut down to size“.
“To cut in front of somebody“.
“To cut in on somebody“.
“To cut off“.
“To be cut out for“.
“To cut out something“.
“To cut someone dead“.
“To cut someone down“.
“To cut someone off“.
“To cut someone some slack“.
“To cut up“.
What does “be a cut above” mean?
“To be a cut above” is an idiom. The definition or meaning is “someone who is of a higher social class”. Another meaning would be “to be noticeably superior to others within the same category”.
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- To be a cut above the rest – Ser superior ao resto, ser acima da média.
What do “cut across, cut through, take short cut” mean?
“To cut across, to cut through, to take short cut” are phrasal verbs. The definition or meaning is “make a shortcut”. Another meaning would be “take a shorter route across”.
- To cut across | To cut through | To take short cut | To cut down a side street – Cortar caminho. Pegar um atalho.
What does “cut and run” mean?
“To cut and run” is an idiom. The definition or meaning is “leave quickly”. Another meaning would be “hurry off”.
- To cut and run – Dá no pé, fugir. Cair fora.
What does “cut back” mean?
“To cut back” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to cut down on, reduce something”. Another meaning would be “to use less of something”.
- To cut back – Podar (plantas), reduzir custos ou gastos. Veja: “to cut down on“.
What does “cut both ways” mean?
“To cut both ways” is an idiom. The definition or meaning is “to succeed in two different ways “. Another meaning would be “to have both favorable and unfavorable results or implications”.
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- To cut both ways – Ter prós e contras.
The triumphs of the civilization cut both ways./ Os triunfos da civilização tem suas vantagens e desvantagens.
What does “cut class” mean?
“To cut class” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to miss class, usually intentionally and without a legitimate reason”. Another meaning would be “to skip a school class or a day of school without an excuse”.
- To cut class – Matar aula, cabular aula.
What does “cut corners” mean?
“To cut corners” is an idiom. The definition or meaning is “to attempt to save time (or money, etc.) in a way that lowers quality”. Another meaning would be “make detrimental cutbacks in an effort to economize; to perform some action in the quickest, easiest, or cheapest way”.
- To cut corners – Cortar custos, portanto fazer com qualidade inferior, fazer nas coxas.
The contractor cut corners to build this house./ O empreiteiro fez essa casa nas coxas. (Cortou custos).
What does “cut down” mean?
“To cut down” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to strike down and kill or incapacitate; to kock down; to belittle or discredit someone or something, especially in front of other”. Another meaning would be “to remodel by removing extras or unwanted furnishings and fittings; to remake in a smaller size”.
- To cut down – Roçar, derrubar (mato); reduzir (despesas); abreviar, resumir (manuscrito). Também matar alguém ou incapacitar; humilhar ou desacreditar alguém especialmente na frente de outros.
What does “cut down on” mean?
“To cut down on” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to cut back, to use less of something”. Another meaning would be “to reduce or curtail volume or activity; reduce something”.
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- To cut down on (smoking, alcohol) – Reduzir o consumo de algo como cigarro e álcool. Veja: “to cut back“.
What does “cut down to size, knock down to size” mean?
“To cut down to size, to knock down to size” are phrasal verbs. The definition or meaning is “to reduce from an inflated or exaggerated importance to true or suitable stature”. Another meaning would be “to minimize the importance of something”.
- To cut down to size – Abaixar a bola de alguém, por em seu lugar ou minimizar a importância de alguma coisa. Veja “to cut somebody down“.
What does “cut in front of someone” mean?
“To cut in front of somebody” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to move in front of someone or something rapidly”. Another meaning would be “to come between”.
- To cut in front of someone – Fechar alguém no trânsito, cortar fila.
What does “cut in on someone” mean?
“To cut in on somebody” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to interrupt someone when they are speaking”. Another meaning would be “to enter something without permission”.
- To cut in on somebody – Cortar ou interromper alguém.
What does “cut off” mean?
“To cut off” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to remove something from something else by cutting; to aggressively pull or move in front of another driver”. Another meaning would be “to turn something off; the act of ending or stopping something”.
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- To cut off – Decepar, cortar, suspender. Fechar alguém no trânsito.
What does “be cut out for” mean?
“To be cut out for” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to be well-suited for success in a particular area”. Another meaning would be “to be naturally suited to something, such as an activity or task”.
- To be cut out for – Nascer para fazer isso, ter o dom de nascença.
She was cut out for teaching/ Ela nasceu pra ensinar.
What does “cut out something” mean?
“To cut out something” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to stop eating or drinking something, usually to improve your health”. Another meaning would be “to remove something or form a shape by cutting, usually something made of paper or cloth”.
- To cut out something – Eliminar algo da alimentação como álcool, comida gordurosa, etc. Abandonar um vício. Recortar papel.
What does “cut someone dead” mean?
“To cut someone dead” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to pretend not to see or recognize someone”. Another meaning would be “to completely ignore someone”.
- To cut someone dead – Ignorar alguém, dar um gelo.
What do “cut someone down” mean?
“To cut someone down” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to kill someone with a weapon, such as a sword, or with gunfire, etc.”. Another meaning would be “to show someone that they are not as clever or important as they think; to belittle or discredit someone or something, especially in front of other”.
- To cut someone down – Matar com arma. Pôr alguém em seu lugar, abaixar a bola de alguém. Veja “to cut down to size“.
What do “cut someone off” mean?
“To cut someone off” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to interrupt someone while they are speaking; to reject someone as one’s heir; disinherit someone”. Another meaning would be “to prevent someone from having access to somewhere or someone; isolate someone from something they previously had connections with”.
- To cut someone off – Interromper alguém, isolar. Deixar alguém fora do testamento e sem dinheiro (deserdar). Cair a linha telefônica, cortar a comunicação.
He cut me off without a penny./ Ele me deixou sem nenhum tostão (herança).
I was cut off./ A linha caiu (ligação telefônica).
What does “cut someone some slack” mean?
“To cut someone some slack” is an idiom. The definition or meaning is “to not judge someone as severely as you usually would because they are having problems at the present time”. Another meaning would be “to allow someone a reprieve from the consequences of an action”.
- To cut someone some slack – Pegar leve. Dar certa liberdade de ação para alguém ou aliviar a pressão sobre uma pessoa. Ou mesmo maneirar em certo tipo de atividade como comer, se exercitar ou trabalhar.
I will cut you some slack because today is the last day of classes./ Vou pegar leve com vocês porque é o último dia de aula.
What does “cut up” mean?
“To cut up” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to chop something into smaller pieces; to judge or criticize someone or something harshly”. Another meaning would be “to cause someone to laugh; to joke or play around”.
- To cut up – Cortar em pedaços, picotar; criticar. Fazer outros rir; pregar peças, fazer pegadinhas.
What does “take someone down a peg (or two)” mean?
“to take someone down (a peg (or two))” is a phrasal verb. The definition or meaning is “to reduce from an inflated or exaggerated importance to true or suitable stature”. Another meaning would be “to show someone that they are not as clever or important as they think”.
- To take somebody down a peg or two – Pôr alguém em seu lugar, abaixar a bola de alguém. Veja “to cut down to size”, “to cut someone down“.
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