Inglês Online

Como se diz que alguém “nasceu pra isso” em inglês?

Nasceu pra isso em inglês: To cut out for or to be | To be born to be | To bred in the bone | To have a flair for | To have the knack

To cut out for or to be, to be born to be, to bred in the bone, to have a flair for, to have the knack” significam que alguém nasceu pra isso em inglês. Ou seja, nascer pra ser assim. Ser inato ou de nascença. Ter o dom ou talento natural para ser ou fazer algo.

What do “to cut out for or to be, to be born to be, to bred in the bone, to have a flair for, to have the knack” mean?

“To cut out for or to be, to be born to be, to bred in the bone, to have a flair for, to have the knack” are phrasal verbs. The definition or meaning is “to determine or assign through necessity; to be naturally fitted or suited”. Another meaning would be “to have a skill or instinctive ability to appreciate or make good use of something; to have a special ready capacity that is hard to analyze or teach”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “to cut out for or to be, to be born to be, to bred in the bone, to have a flair for, to have the knack” in Portuguese?

  1. I was not cut out to be a policeman./ Não nasci pra ser um policial.
  2. She was cut out to be a dramatic actress./ Ela nasceu pra ser atriz dramática.
  3. He had the knack for playing soccer./ Ele tinha o dom natural de jogar futebol.
  4. My teacher has the knack of explaining things simply./ Minha professora tem o dom de explicar as coisas com simplicidade.
  5. He was born to be wild./ Ele nasceu pra ser selvagem.
  6. Don’t propose him any bribe because he is a man of bred-in-the-bone honesty./ Não ofereça qualquer suborno porque ele é um homem honesto de nascença.
  7. What’s bred in the bone will come out in the flesh (or blood)./ Filho de peixe, peixinho é.
  8. She has a flair for drama./ Ela tem um talento natural para o drama.

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