Inglês Online

Como se diz “pegar leve” em inglês?

Pegar leve em inglês: To go easy on something (or someone) | To take things easy | To cut someone some slack

To go easy on something (or someone), to take things easy, to cut someone some slack” significam pegar leve em inglês. Dar certa liberdade de ação para alguém; ou aliviar a pressão sobre uma pessoa. Ou mesmo maneirar em certo tipo de atividade como comer, se exercitar, ficar nervoso ou trabalhar.

What do “to go easy on something (or someone), to take things easy, to cut someone some slack” mean?

To go easy on something (or someone); to take things easy; to cut someone some slack” are idioms. The definition or meaning is “to not judge someone as severely as you usually would because they are having problems at the present time; to allow someone a reprieve from the consequences of an action”. Another meaning would be “to treat someone in a gentle way, especially when you want to be or should be more severe; to relax and avoid working too hard or doing too much; not get angry, excited, etc”.

How do you say “go easy on something (or someone), take things easy, cut someone some slack” in Portuguese?

  1. I will cut you some slack because today is the last day of classes./ Vou pegar leve com vocês porque é o último dia de aula.
  2. Cut her some slack because she had a hard day at work./ Pegue leve com ela porque ela teve um dia difícil no trabalho.
  3. Come on, man! Cut me some slack (or give me a break)./ Por favor, cara! Me dá uma folga!
  4. Take it easy on the fries if you want to lose weight./ Pegue leve nas frituras se quiser perder peso.
  5. My doctor told me to take things easy for a while./ Meu médico me disse pra eu pegar leve por enquanto.
  6. Be kind and go easy on him because he’s  just lost a chance to work overseas./ Seja gentil e pegue leve com ele, porque ele acaba de perder uma chance de trabalhar no exterior.

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