Inglês Online

Como se diz “perder as estribeiras” em inglês?

Perder as estribeiras em inglês: To lose one’s temper | To fly off the handle | To hit the roof (or ceiling) | To put up a big stink | To kick up a fuss

“To lose one’s temper, to fly off the handle, to hit the roof (or ceiling), to put up a big stink, to kick up a fuss” significam perder as estribeiras em inglês. Ou seja, perder a paciência, perder o controle, perder a calma. Irromper num acesso de ira violento e repentino. Armar um salseiro, rodar a baiana, sair do sério. Segundo o dicionário Aurélio é praticar despropósitos; despropositar, desnortear-se, desorientar-se, descomedir-se; perder os estribos.

What do “to lose one’s temper, to fly off the handle, to hit the roof (or ceiling), to put up a big stink, to kick up a fuss” mean?

“To lose one’s temper; to fly off the handle; to hit the roof (or ceiling); to put up a big stink; to kick up a fuss” are idioms. The definition or meaning is “to fail to maintain one’s composure, to lose one’s self-control; to get extremely furious or angry”. Another meaning would be “to lose control, to explode in anger, to fly into a rage”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “to lose one’s temper, to fly off the handle, to hit the roof (or ceiling), to put up a big stink, to kick up a fuss” in Portuguese?

  1. He lost his temper and shouted at me./ Ele perdeu as estribeiras e gritou comigo.
  2. He was very annoyed but he kept his temper./ Ele ficou muito aborrecido, mas manteve a calma.
  3. When she found out what Ann had done, she lost her temper./ Quando ela descobriu o que a Ana fez, ele perdeu as estribeiras.
  4. He arrived without that important check, and then I just lost it completely./ Ele chegou sem aquele cheque importante, aí eu perdi a calma.
  5. He flew off the handle last night when he saw his ex-girlfriend with another man./ Ele perdeu as estribeiras ontem a noite ao ver sua ex-namorada com outro homem.
  6. He kicked up a tremendous fuss about having to wait./ Ele rodou a baiana por ter que esperar.
  7. When the boss saw John’s mistake, he hit the roof./ Quando o chefe viu o erro do João, ele perdeu as estribeiras.
  8. When Johnny’s dad found out that he’d been smoking cigarettes, he hit the roof./ Quando o pai do Joãozinho descobriu que ele fumava, ele perdeu as estribeiras.

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