Como se diz “onde há fumaça há fogo” em inglês?
Onde há fumaça há fogo em inglês: There’s no smoke without fire | Where there’s smoke there’s fire
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“There’s no smoke without fire, where there’s smoke there’s fire” significam onde há fumaça há fogo em inglês. Ou seja, geralmente há base factual para um boato ou um rumor.
What do “there’s no smoke without fire, where there’s smoke there’s fire” mean?
“There’s no smoke without fire, where there’s smoke there’s fire” are proverbs. The definition or meaning is “If unpleasant things are said about someone or something, there is probably a good reason for it”. Another meaning would be “there is usually truth behind a rumor, suspicion, or bad sign”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.
How do you say “there’s no smoke without fire, where there’s smoke there’s fire” in Portuguese?
- He claims that they were just good friends and that they never slept together but there’s no smoke without fire./ Ele jura que eles eram apenas bons amigos e que nunca dormiram juntos, mas onde há fumaça há fogo.
- She says the accusations are not true, but there’s no smoke without fire./ Ela diz que as acusações são falsas, mas onde há fumaça há fogo.
- He’s a nice guy, but there’s no smoke without fire./ Ele é um cara legal, mas onde há fumaça há fogo.
- I’ve heard rumors that the bank was in financial trouble, and where there’s smoke there’s fire./ Ouvi boatos de que aquele banco está em apuros financeiros, onde há fumaça há fogo.
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Como se diz “boato, fofoca” em inglês?