Inglês Online

Como se diz “fogo de palha” em inglês?

Fogo de palha em inglês: Ninety-day (or thirty-day or one-day) wonder | Flash in the pan

Ninety-day (or thirty-day | seven-day, one-day) wonder, flash in the pan” significam fogo de palha em inglês. Ou seja, entusiasmo passageiro, efêmero. Animação que dura pouco.

What do “ninety-day (or thirty-day | nine-day | seven-day, one-day) wonder, flash in the pan” mean?

“Ninety-day (or thirty-day | nine-day | seven-day, one-day) wonder, flash in the pan” are idioms. The definition or meaning is “a dramatic display that quickly fades into nothing; sudden spasmodic effort that accomplishes nothing”. Another meaning would be “one that appears promising but turns out to be disappointing or worthless; something or someone that creates a short-lived sensation”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “ninety-day (or thirty-day | nine -day | seven-day, one-day) wonder, flash in the pan” in Portuguese?

  1. Their passion was a seven-day wonder./ O romance deles era fogo de palha.
  2. The first victories at the start of the season was just a flash in the pan./ Aquelas vitórias no início da temporada foram só fogo de palha.
  3. My soccer team is a flash in the pan./ Meu time de futebol é um cavalo paraguaio (dispara na frente depois vira lanterna).
  4. The elopement of John and Anne was a nine days’ wonder. Now people never mention it./ A notícia de que o João e a Ana fugiram juntos logo foi esquecida. Agora as pessoas nem falam mais nisso.

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