Como se diz “murchar” em inglês?
Murchar em inglês: To fade | To wither
“To fade, to wither” significam murchar em inglês, secar, desbotar.
What do “to fade, to wither” mean?
“To fade, to wither” are verbs. The definition or meaning is “to lose substance and freshness by or as if by loss of natural moisture”. Another meaning would be “to change gradually in loudness, strength, or visibility”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.
How do you say “to fade, to wither” in Portuguese?
- All the flowers has faded./ Todas as flores murcharam.
- The grass has withered to an unappealing brown./ A grama secou num marrom desagradável.
- The leaves of this tree are all withered./ Todas as folhas dessa árvore secaram.
- Projects that wither and die from lack of popular interest./ Projetos que murcham e morrem por falta de interesse popular.
- Public support for the bill is withering./ O apoio público para o projeto de lei está desvanecendo.