Inglês Online

AROUND THE CLOCK em inglês, o que significa?

Sem intervalo em inglês: Around the clock | Round the clock

Around the clock, round the clock” significam sem intervalo em inglês. Ou seja, ininterruptamente, durante vinte e quatro horas por dia. Sem parar, dia e noite, 24 horas por dia.

What does “around the clock or round the clock” mean?

“Around the clock or round the clock” is an adverb and a adjective too. The definition or meaning is “continuously for 24 hours; during every hour of the day; day and night without cessation; without relaxation and heedless of time”. Another meaning would be “24 hours per day, continuously, non-stop; all day and all night, night and day, all the time, morning, noon, and night, continuously, steadily, unremittingly; 24-7”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “around the clock or round the clock” in Portuguese?

  1. We’re working round the clock./ Estamos trabalhando ininterruptamente.
  2. She is very old now and needs round-the-clock nursing./ Ela está muita velha agora e precisa de cuidados 24 horas por dia.
  3. Doctors and nurses worked round the clock to help those injured in the train crash./ Médicos e enfermeiros trabalham sem intervalo para ajudar os feridos no acidente de trem.
  4. Fire crews were working round the clock to bring the huge blaze under control./ As equipes de bombeiros trabalhavam sem intervalo para controlar as enorme chama.
  5. We can’t afford to give you around-the-clock protection./ Não temos condições de dar proteção 24 horas por dia.
  6. Detectives watched him around the clock./ Os detetives o vigiavam 24 horas por dia.

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