Como se diz “trazer à tona” em inglês?
Trazer à tona em inglês: Rake over | Bring up | Bring (or come to) light | Come to the fore
“To rake over, to bring up, to bring (or come to) light, to come to the fore” significam trazer à tona em inglês. Ou seja, remexer ou tocar num assunto antigo trazendo-o à tona.
What do “to rake over, to bring up, to bring (or come to) light, to come to the fore” mean?
“To rake over, to bring up, to bring (or come to) light, to come to the fore” are phrasal verbs. The definition or meaning is “to keep talking or thinking about an unpleasant event or experience; to be discovered, be revealed, become known; to reveal, expose, publish”. Another meaning would be “to discuss an issue, etc.”.
How do you say “to rake over, to bring up, to bring (or come to) light, to come to the fore” in Portuguese?
- It’s a sore issue to him to rake over./ É um assunto que o incomoda pra trazer à tona.
- Most people avoid to rake over this subject./ A maioria das pessoas evitam tocar nesse assunto.
- She always try to bring up the subject of money./ Ela sempre tenta trazer à tona o assunto de dinheiro.
- No new facts came to light./ Nenhum fato novo veio à tona.
- I took courage to bring up wage rise with my boss./ Criei coragem de tocar no assunto de aumento de salário com meu chefe.
- Traveling issue came to the fore. / O assunto de viajar veio à tona.
- He keeps on raking over his divorce, when really he should be getting on with his life./ Ele não para de tocar no assunto do divórcio, quando na verdade deveria seguir com a vida.
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