Como se diz “rico” em inglês?
Rico em inglês: Wealthy | Rich | Well-off | Well-to-do | Of means | Have deep pockets
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“Wealthy, rich, well-off, well-to-do, of means, to have deep pockets” significam rico em inglês. Ou seja, bem de vida, abastado, ter recursos ou riqueza.
What do “wealthy, rich, well-off, well-to-do, of means, have deep pockets” mean?
“Wealthy, rich, well-off, well-to-do, of means, have deep pockets” are adjectives. The definition or meaning is “having goods, property, and money in abundance; having abundant possessions and especially material wealth”. Another meaning would be “being in good condition or favorable circumstances; well provided and having no lack; rich; affluent; abundant “. See some examples with Portuguese translation.
How do you say “wealthy, rich, well-off, well-to-do, of means, have deep pockets” in Portuguese?
- They are a well-to-do family./ Eles são duma família rica.
- He’s a man of means./ Ele é um homem de recursos, abastado.
- The house had a sleek well-off look./ A casa tinha uma aparência abastada e luxuosa.
- She was a rich woman, having accumulated his wealth in business./ Ela era uma mulher rica, tendo acumulado riqueza em negócios.
- They became wealthy through shrewd investing/ Eles se tornaram ricos por meio de investimentos perspicazes.
- He is not well-off but he gets by./ Ele não é rico, mas dá pro gasto.
- Everyday the gap between the rich and the poor widens./ A cada dia a distância entre ricos e pobres aumenta.
O que significa “to have deep pockets” em inglês?
“To have deep pockets” significa ser cheio da grana em inglês, alguém com muito dinheiro.
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- You ought to have deep pockets to buy this sport car./ Você deve ser rico pra comprar esse carro esporte.
- The politicians with the deepest pockets usually win the election./ Os políticos mais cheios da grana geralmente vencem as eleições.
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