Como se diz “meter o nariz onde não é chamado” em inglês?
Meter o nariz onde não é chamado em inglês: To put (or shove or stick) one’s oar in | To stick (or poke or shove) one’s nose in | To meddle in someone’s business (or affairs) | To butt in | To cut in
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“To put (or shove or stick) one’s oar in, to stick (or poke or shove) one’s nose in, to meddle in someone’s business (or affairs); to butt in, to cut in” significam meter o nariz onde não é chamado em inglês. Ou seja, meter o bedelho ou a colher em. Intrometer-se nos assuntos ou na vida dos outros sem ser chamado. Se meter no assunto de outro; cortar ou interromper a fala de alguém.
“To put (or shove or stick) one’s oar in; to stick (or poke or shove) one’s nose in; to meddle in someone’s business (or affairs); to butt in, to cut in” are phrasal verbs and idioms. The definition or meaning is “to involve oneself in an intrusive or nosy manner into something that is not one’s business or responsibility; to add one’s comments or opinion, even if unwanted or unasked for; to say or do something that annoys other people because they have not asked you to join their conversation or activity”. Another meaning would be “to involve oneself in, to get into the middle of someone else’s business; to interrupt someone when they are speaking; to enter something without permission”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.
How do you say “to put (or shove or stick) one’s oar in, to stick (or poke or shove) one’s nose in, to meddle in someone’s business (or affairs); to butt in, to cut in” in Portuguese?
- I don’t want him meddling with our affairs./ Não quero ele se intrometendo em nossos assuntos.
- She was talking to me, just now, before you put your oar in./ Ela estava conversando comigo, bem agora, antes de você meter o bedelho.
- She’s always poking her nose in where she’s not wanted./ Ela sempre mete o nariz aonde não é chamada.
- I shouldn’t have stuck my oar in when you were arguing with your wife./ Eu não devia ter metido a colher quando você estava discutindo com sua mulher.
- I told her to stop poking her nose into our business./ Eu disse pra ela parar de meter o nariz em nossos assuntos.
- It’s against the law for employers to butt in on personal matters./ É contra a lei os patrões se intrometerem nos assuntos particulares.
- I wanted to chip in, but I couldn’t get a word in edgewise./ Eu quis interromper a conversa, mas não tive a chance de dizer uma palavra.
- No one asked him to help – he’s always sticking his oar in./ Ninguém pediu a ajuda dele – mas ele sempre se intromete.
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