Como se diz "madrugar, madrugada" em inglês?
Inglês Online

Como se diz “madrugar, madrugada” em inglês?

Madrugar em inglês: To get out of bed early | To get up (or rise or wake up) early in the morning | To be up at the crack of dawn | To be up with the lark (or crows)

To get out of bed early, to get up (or rise or wake up) early in the morning, to be up at the crack of dawn, to be up with the lark (or crows)” todas esses expressões significam madrugar em inglês; levantar muito cedo da cama, matinar.

Dawn” talvez seja a palavra mais usada para madrugada em inglês.

What do “to get out of bed early, to get up (or rise or wake up) early in the morning, to be up at the crack of dawn, to be up with the lark (or crows)” mean?

“To get out of bed early, to get up (or rise or wake up) early in the morning, to be up at the crack of dawn, to be up with the lark (or crows)” are phrasal verbs and idioms. The definition or meaning is “to wake up very early in the morning, to wake up with the morning bird”. Another meaning would be “to be up at the first rise of the sun, the top of the morning”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “to get out of bed early, to get up (or rise or wake up) early in the morning, to be up at the crack of dawn, to be up with the lark (or crows)” in Portuguese?

  1. When he worked at the bakery, he used to be up with lark./ Ele madrugava quando trabalhava na padaria.
  2. We had an eight o’clock flight so we were up at the crack of dawn./ Tivemos um voo de oito horas, então estávamos acordados de madrugada.
  3. Some people like to get out of bed early in the morning/./ Algumas pessoas gostam de levantar bem cedo da cama de manhã.
  4. The birds start singing at the break of dawn./ Os pássaros começam a cantar de madrugada.
  5. We’ll have to leave at the crack of dawn./ Temos que partir de madrugada.
  6. You were up with the lark this morning./ Levantamos bem cedinho (de madrugada) hoje!
  7. I have to be up with the crows tomorrow./ Vou ter que madrugar amanhã. (acordar com as galinha)

Como se diz “Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga” em inglês

Não é a mesma coisa, mas é uma rima em inglês que salienta a importância de levantar cedo.

  • Early to bed and early to rise makes a man happy, healthy and wise./ Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga.

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