Como se diz “confundir” em inglês?
Confundir em inglês: To baffle | To bemuse | To bewilder | To confuse | To mix up | To muddle up | To puzzle | To scramble | To shuffle | To stun | To tie someone up in knots
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“To baffle; to bemuse; to bewilder; to confuse; to mix up; to muddle up; to puzzle; to scramble; to shuffle; to stun; to tie someone up in knots” significam confundir em inglês, embaralhar, aturdir.
What do “to baffle; to bemuse; to bewilder; to confuse; to mix up; to muddle up; to puzzle; to scramble; to shuffle; to stun; to tie someone up in knots” mean?
“To baffle; to bemuse; to bewilder; to confuse; to mix up; to muddle up; to puzzle; to scramble; to shuffle; to stun; to tie someone up in knots” are verbs. The definition or meaning is “to defeat or check (as a person) by confusing or puzzling”. Another meaning would be “to perplex or confuse especially by a complexity, variety, or multitude of objects or considerations; to make embarrassed”.
How do you say “to baffle; to bemuse; to bewilder; to confuse; to mix up; to muddle up; to puzzle; to scramble; to shuffle; to stun; to tie someone up in knots” in Portuguese?
- Don’t confuse students with too much detail./ Não confunda os estudantes com tantos detalhes.
- Some people confuse strokes with heart attacks./ Algumas pessoas confundem derrame com ataque cardíaco.
- They bewildered me with facts and figures./ Me confundiram com fatos e cifras.
- She was bewildered with his sudden change of mood./ Ela ficou confusa com a mudança de humor repentina dele.
- Her decision puzzled me./ A decisão dela me deixou confuso.
- He is mixing everything up./ Ele está confundindo tudo.
- The papers have got muddled up./ Os papeis ficaram confusos (misturados).
- I always muddle her up with her sister./ Eu sempre a confundo com a irmã dela.
- He was muddling the cards./ Ele estava embaralhando as cartas.
- He was giving the cards a shuffle./ Ele estava embaralhando as cartas.
- It’s your shuffle./ É a sua vez de embaralhar as cartas (no jogo).
- The messages were scrambled./ As mensagens eram transmitidas em código (embaralhadas).
- Her assurance bemuses me./ O atrevimento dela me confunde.
- The problem of today has baffled modern science./ Os problemas hodiernos tem desconcertado a ciência moderna.
- She was stunned by the news./ Ela ficou aturdida ou atordoada com as notícias.
- The teacher tied me up in knots by asking tricky questions./ O professor tentou me confundir com perguntas capciosas.
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