SCREW em inglês: O que significa?
Inglês Online

SCREW em inglês: O que significa?

SCREW em inglês: Parafuso | Pressão | Transa

Screw em inglês pode significar parafuso, pressão, coito, transa, e como verbo “to screw” significa parafusar, atarraxar, amassar, apertar, espremer, extorquir, arruinar, se ferrar, se lascar, transar, etc.

What does “screw” mean?

“Screw” is a verb and a noun too. The definition or meaning is “a nail-shaped or rod-shaped piece with a spiral groove and a slotted or recessed head designed to be inserted into material by rotating (as with a screwdriver) and used for fastening pieces of solid material together”. Another meaning would be “to attach with a screw; to turn or twist like a screw; to contort; to apply pressure, to apply force; to extort; to cheat, to swindle; to have sexual intercourse, to copulate”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “screw” in Portuguese?

  1. He turned the screw really on tight./ Ele apertou bem firme o parafuso.
  2. He screwed the hinge to a new door./ Ele parafusou a dobradiça numa porta nova.
  3. I tightened up the screws./ Eu apertei os parafusos.
  4. He screwed the note up and threw it away./ Ele amassou o bilhete e o jogou fora.
  5. She screwed up her face in distaste./ Ela franziu a testa em desgosto.
  6. We screwed it out of him./ Apertamo-lo até ele confessar (pressionar).
  7. She intended to screw money out of them./ Ela pretendia extorquir dinheiro deles.
  8. He wanna screw that girl./ Ele quer transar com aquela garota.
  9. I’m pretty screwed right now./ Tô bem ferrado agora.
  10. Screw you!/ Vai se ferrar!

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