Como se diz “nuca/cangote” em inglês?
Cangote, nuca: Nape | The back (or nape) of the neck | The scruff of the neck
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“Nape, the back of the neck, the scruff of the neck” significam nuca em inglês, cangote, cerviz. Ou seja, a parte superior do pescoço, sobre a vértebra, chamada atlas.
What do “nape, the back (or nape) of the neck, the scruff of the neck” mean?
“Nape, the back (or nape) of the neck, the scruff of the neck” are nouns. The definition or meaning is “nape of the neck, area behind the neck”. Another meaning would be “the occipital region; scruff”.
How do you say “nape, the back (or nape) of the neck, the scruff of the neck” in Portuguese?
- He took the dog by the scruff./ Ele pegou o cachorro pelo cangote.
- It hit him in the nape (or back) of the neck./ Ele foi atingido na nuca.
- Cats pick up their kittens by the scruff of the neck./ Os gatos apanham seus filhotes pelo cangote.
- I had to yank the cat out from under the floorboards by the scruff of its neck./ Eu tive que tirar o gato do assoalho pelo cangote.
- My mom was so mad that she grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and hauled me into my room to be grounded./ Minha mãe estava tão brava que me pegou pelo cangote e me jogou no meu quarto pra ficar de castigo.
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