Como se diz “amassar/enrugar” em inglês?
To crease | To crumple | To knead | To krinkle | To shrivel
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“To crease, to crumple, to knead, to wrinkle, to shrivel” significam amassar em inglês, enrugar, dobrar.
How do you say “to crease, to crumple, to knead, to wrinkle, to shrivel” in Portuguese?
- I saw her while she was crumpling a piece of paper/ Eu a vi enquanto ela amassava um pedaço de papel.
- Her skirt was creased and stained/ A saia dela estava amassada e suja (manchada).
- Did you notice the creases at the corners of her eyes/ Você reparou as rugas nos cantos dos olhos dela?
- The two cars bumped with a great crumpling of fenders/ Os dois carros bateram e os para-lamas ficaram bem amassados.
- She wrinkled with age/ Ela enrugou-se com a idade.
- I’ll put him up to a wrinkle or two/ Dar-lhe-ei alguns palpites (conselhos).
- He wrinkled up his brows/ Ele franziu a testa.
- His face was lined with care/ As preocupações enrugaram o seu semblante.
- The heat shrivelled up the flowers/ O calor fez as flores enrugarem.
- Have you seen that shrivelled old woman/ Você tem visto aquela velha enrugada?
- She is kneading the dough/ Ela está amassando a massa de bolo.
- She kneaded the base of his neck/ Ela massageou a base do pescoço dele.
- He screwed the note up and threw it away/ Ele amassou o bilhete e o jogou fora.
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O que significa “get on” em inglês?
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