Inglês Online

Como se diz “amassar/enrugar” em inglês?

To crease | To crumple | To knead | To krinkle | To shrivel

To crease, to crumple, to knead, to wrinkle, to shrivel” significam amassar em inglês, enrugar, dobrar.

How do you say “to crease, to crumple, to knead, to wrinkle, to shrivel” in Portuguese?

  1. I saw her while she was crumpling a piece of paper/ Eu a vi enquanto ela amassava um pedaço de papel.
  2. Her skirt was creased and stained/ A saia dela estava amassada e suja (manchada).
  3. Did you notice the creases at the corners of her eyes/ Você reparou as rugas nos cantos dos olhos dela?
  4. The two cars bumped with a great crumpling of fenders/ Os dois carros bateram e os para-lamas ficaram bem amassados.
  5. She wrinkled with age/ Ela enrugou-se com a idade.
  6. I’ll put him up to a wrinkle or two/ Dar-lhe-ei alguns palpites (conselhos).
  7. He wrinkled up his brows/ Ele franziu a testa.
  8. His face was lined with care/ As preocupações enrugaram o seu semblante.
  9. The heat shrivelled up the flowers/ O calor fez as flores enrugarem.
  10. Have you seen that shrivelled old woman/ Você tem visto aquela velha enrugada?
  11. She is kneading the dough/ Ela está amassando a massa de bolo.
  12. She kneaded the base of his neck/ Ela massageou a base do pescoço dele.
  13. He screwed the note up and threw it away/ Ele amassou o bilhete e o jogou fora.

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