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Como se diz “agitado” em inglês?

Agitated | Stirring | Hectic | Choppy | Worked up | Overwrought | Bustling | Full of beans | On edge

Agitated, stirring, hectic, choppy, worked up, overwrought, bustling, full of beans, on edge” significam agitado em inglês, inquieto, cheio de energia, atividade ou vaivém.

What do “agitated, choppy, stirring, worked up” mean?

Agitated, choppy, stirring, worked up” is informal phrase. The definition or meaning is “disturbed; perturbed, excited; shaken up”. Another meaning would be “perturbed, flustered, ruffled, disconcerted, unnerved, disquieted, disturbed, distressed, unsettled; nervous, on edge, tense, keyed up”.

How do you say “agitated, choppy, stirring, worked up” in Portuguese?

  1. She was becoming increasingly agitated./ Ela estava se tornando cada vez mais agitada.
  2. I’ve been in a hectic rush all day long./ Foi uma correria danada o dia todo.
  3. It was a hectic time for the family./ Foi uma época agitada para a família.
  4. The children were full of beans today./ As crianças estavam cheias de energia hoje.
  5. The sea was choppy all night./ O mar estava agitado a noite toda.
  6. He got all worked up and started shouting and swearing./ Ele ficou todo agitado e começou a gritar e a xingar.
  7. She was too overwrought to listen to reason./ Ela estava muito agitada para escutar a razão.
  8. In the early hours, the household was bustling./ Logo nas primeiras horas, a casa estava agitada.
  9. The children were too full of beans. to sit still/ As crianças estavam agitadas demais para ficarem sentadas quietas.
  10. He has really been on edge lately because of his exams./ Ele realmente tem andado agitado ultimamente por causa das provas.
  11. I had a stirring sleep last night./ Eu tive um sono agitado a noite passada.
  12. My blood was up/ O meu sangue estava agitado.
  13. We live in stirring times./ Vivemos em tempos agitados.

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