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Como se diz “banal” em inglês?



Banal em inglês: Unimportant | Banal | Ordinary | Shallow | Trivial | Petty

Unimportant, banal, ordinary, shallow, trivial, petty” significam trivial, banal em inglês. Vulgar, corrente, corriqueiro. Sabido de todos; notório, comum, ordinário, baixo.

What do “Unimportant, banal, ordinary, shallow, trivial, petty” mean?

“Unimportant, banal, ordinary, shallow, trivial, petty” are adjectives. The definition or meaning is “lacking originality, freshness, or novelty; of the customary or common type encountered in the normal course of events; of little worth or importance”. Another meaning would be “of little/no importance, of little/no consequence, of no account; of common quality, rank, or ability; having little or no importance or significance”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “Unimportant, banal, ordinary, shallow, trivial, petty” in Portuguese?

  1. I’m tired of so much banal songs with repeated and boring words. / Estou cansado de tantas músicas banais com palavras repetitivas e chatas.
  2. It was just another ordinary night. / Era apenas mais uma noite trivial.
  3. He’s always had a shallow personality. / Ele sempre apresentou uma personalidade frívola.
  4. Huge fines were imposed for trivial offenses. / Multas exorbitantes foram impostas para delitos triviais.
  5. He was prone to petty revenge on family and friends. / Ele era propenso a vinganças banais contra a família e amigos.
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