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Como se diz “dia útil” em inglês?



Dia útil em inglês: Working day | Business day

Working day, workday, business day” significam dia útil em inglês. Dia útil é um dia que não cai no fim-de-semana (sábado ou domingo) e nem em feriado.

What do “workday, working day, business day” mean?

“Working day, business day” are nouns. The definition or meaning is “a day on which work is performed as distinguished from a day off; day during which one works; period of time when a business operates “. Another meaning would be “day on which one must work; the period of time in a day during which work is performed”. See some examples with Portuguese translation.

How do you say “workday, working day, business day” in Portuguese?

  1. What’s he doing home on a workday? / Que ele faz em casa num dia de trabalho.
  2. What is the first working day of this month. / Qual é o primeiro dia útil desse mês?
  3. Here in Brazil every employee receives the payment every 5th business day of the month. / Aqui no Brasil todo empregado recebe o pagamento todo quinto dia útil do mês.
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